Saturday, November 7, 2015

football & photos

I am super multi-tasking right now: blogging, watching the State game, waiting for a load of laundry to finish in the dryer, and baking a cake for snack tomorrow. The house has begun to warm up a bit, and Michigan State is in the lead. I'm really hoping this cake comes out well. The oven is tricky for me sometimes so I'm monitoring it pretty closely. It is a lemon poke cake, and I might add raspberries and whipped cream on top when I serve. Depends on how much time and energy I have in the morning. Side note. I miss Michigan State defense that we used to have. Also,  a healthy team.
Well, my cake is out now, and I think it's okay. I have to wait for it to cool a bit before I put the holes in it and drizzle the glaze. Kelsey is gone to a costume dodgeball game so I have the house to myself. I'm nearly ready for bed. I'll stay up until the end of the game, but then I think I'm going straight to sleep.
And now for some photos from my trip home. :)

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