On Our Knees
A prayer reflection on Psalm 34
How to use this prayer reflection: This is simply a guide to contemplating Psalm 34. I suggest you do this in a comfortable place. Sit down with a cup of something hot, a journal, pen, and your Bible. Create an atmosphere that allows you to concentrate. Eliminate as much outside noise as possible. You don't have to sit in silence, but try to allow quietness.
This framework is not timed. Use it in whatever way you choose. I suggest reading through the given passage once or twice, spend some time underlining or writing down the parts that stick out to you. Journal a reflection. In light of the Scripture and your reflection, pray. Take your time and enjoy time spent with God.
A Call to Praise
This framework is not timed. Use it in whatever way you choose. I suggest reading through the given passage once or twice, spend some time underlining or writing down the parts that stick out to you. Journal a reflection. In light of the Scripture and your reflection, pray. Take your time and enjoy time spent with God.
A Call to Praise
Read: Psalm 34:1-10
- God has promised us much! His words are true and trustworthy. God is reliable. We can be confident that God hears and acts on our behalf.
- Names of God that are special to me are...
- A time God answered me was...
- Give God adoration. Pray through the names of God that are important to you.
- Recall God's blessings to you.
- Spend time praising God. Worship him.
A Call to Offer
Read: Psalm 34:11-14
- God knows your deepest needs. He knows each part of you -- the most hidden and closed off. He is not surprised by you. But you are still called to reverence. This is much more than quiet moments in a church pew. Reverence is obeying God out of fear and love for him; obedience in thought, word, and deed.
- Where am I searching for peace in my life?
- Where and with whom am I working to maintain peace?
- Where am I falling short in obedience?
- Search the inner corners of your heart. What needs to be fully given to God?
- Pray for your friends
- Pray for your family
- Pray for yourself. What will you offer to God?
A Call to Global Rescue
Read: Psalm 34:15-22
- We can take hope in knowing that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. This world can seem so broken, dark, and hopeless. Rejoice that although there is trouble, God comes to our rescue each time!
- What places come to mind in light of this Scripture?
- Where does a spirit of brokenheartedness exist?
- Where do I keenly feel calamity and chaos?
- Ask God to make his presence known in the places you identified.
- Pray for specific locations that come to mind.
- Pray for situations that come to mind.
- Pray for rescue on a global scale -- situations of slavery, abuse, war, etc.