Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Four Calls of Advent: Preparing for Christ

Today is the beginning of the new liturgical calendar. We begin again to tell the story of Jesus beginning with the anticipation of the Messiah's birth: Advent. We are reminded of the past -- Israel waiting for Christ -- and we look forward toward Christ's future coming.

These are the four calls of Advent:

A Call to Hope
   We remember God's promises of a Savior. God always keeps his promises; he is faithful. We remember the hope of a Messiah for the Israelites. We rekindle and reignite our expectancy of Christ's second coming. There is hope in Christ. He is like a light in the darkness that shows us where to go. Christ Jesus, you are our hope.

A Call to Peace
    Christ's birth and death made it possible for there to be peace between God and man. Christ has restored our relationship and made a way for us to spend eternity with him. We are ambassadors of God's peaceful kingdom on earth now. We daily establish peace in our hearts which flows into our lives. Christ Jesus, you are our peace.

A Call to Joy
     Great joy was sent to us! The people walking in darkness have seen a great light! Where there was darkness -- there is now light! Where there was death -- there is now life! The angels announced the message of joy available for all people -- salvation through Christ. We renew our joy this season of Advent. Christ Jesus, you are our joy.

A Call to Love
    We remember Love incarnate. The ultimate example of Love was born as a baby. His life was filled with love. He loved us so much that he died a horrible death for us! Jesus, established a way for us to live with God forever. We now spread his love to the world. Our prime objective is love! Love of God and love of others. We act in the way that only people who have known love can love. And how fortunate we are to have a record of Christ's actions on earth! Jesus told us that his followers will be known by their love. Christ Jesus, is our love.

Practice living in hope, peace, joy, and love this Advent season!

Gaudete performed by the King Singers

Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Tempus adest gratiæ hoc quod optabamus, Carmina lætitiæ devote reddamus. Deus homo factus est natura mirante, Mundus renovatus est a Christo regnante. Ezechielis porta clausa pertransitur, Unde lux est orta salus invenitur. Ergo nostra concio psallat iam in lustro; Benedicat Domino: Salus Regi nostro.

Rejoice, rejoice! Christ has born of the Virgin Mary -- rejoice! The time of grace has come -- what we have wished for, songs of joy. Let us give back faithfully. God has become man, with nature marvelling. The world has been renewed by Christ who is reigning. The closed gate of Ezekiel is passed through, whence the light is raised, salvation is found. Therefore, let our preaching now sing in brightness. Let it give praise to the Lord: Greeting to our King.

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