Saturday, February 6, 2016

heart for the city

I saw an article the other day about pro-rape rallies that would be taking place in 165 cities across 43 countries all around the world, and my heart broke. The man who organized these meetings later "cancelled" them because he was worried about the safety of the men who were going to meet because the backlash was so strong. But he did leave it up to the men if they still wanted to go.
The meeting was supposed to take place tonight. In my city, it was supposed to happen within a block from me. That part doesn't scare me outright, but it does make it very real.
My soul just aches for the people who have been victims of sexual crimes, for those who don't understand why it is wrong, and for our broken world.
I am on my knees before God asking for Him to build His Kingdom in my city and community. Equip people to go out and be your hands and feet, God. Bolster our courage and send us into the darkness that we might bring YOUR LIGHT to those dark places. We are yours. This city is yours. Lord, I see wrecked. But I know you see redeemable.

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