Friday, December 1, 2017

Beginning this blessed Christmas

On the first day of Advent, I don't feel like being intentional.
I don't feel like looking for the blessing.

I feel like a headache with a twinge of sadness.

And this is all the more reason I'm forcing myself at 10:00pm at night to think about the blessings of the day.

I woke up in a warm bed.
Protected by a sweet dog who loves me.
There was food for me to eat whenever I wanted it.
I had medicine immediately accessible for my pain.
There were many options for entertainment to distract myself from not feeling good.
I had clean water to drink to re-hydrate.
I had hot, running water for my shower.
My parents readily took my calls when I needed a chat.
I had the day off from a job that I love so I did not miss out on work.
I was able to enjoy experimenting with food in the kitchen for supper.
I am able to read for enjoyment.
And now, I'm using the computer I own to shout into the void of the Internet.

And beyond all of these temporary blessings, I have peace with God through Jesus, and I can testify to the hope of glory!

So, yes. This day was not how I had planned to begin my self appointed 'blessed Christmas.'

But it was full of blessings whether I feel like looking for them or not.

Blessed Christmas. Day one.

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