Thursday, November 30, 2017


There is a French proverb that says something to the extent of "Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace." I count myself beyond blessed to have been born into a family who sewed seeds of the truth of salvation early in and throughout my life. Now, I encounter daily opportunities to be the one who is sowing.

Now I am the sower.

My words sew truth. My hands show love. My actions bring glory to God.

And the same is true for all of those who are bringing the Gospel of Christ into their daily lives, relationships, and encounters.

Many times I enjoy the structures of liturgies or spiritual disciplines. I may have shared this in some other form, but here is a link to Here Are My Hands by A New Liturgy. This is a two part liturgy aiming to find holiness in the commutes to and from work. An excellent reminder that you are a holy vessel of God, and His presence goes with you everywhere and transforms those places.

Another practice I have come to deeply appreciate is memorization and recitation of creeds. In our church, we recite the Apostles' Creed each Sunday. I have studied the Nicene Creed. Today, for the first time, I read J.D. Walt's Sowers Creed. You can read more about it and the thought behind it from that link, but I'll copy it here to remind you of the Great Commission and inspire you on in bringing the Gospel into each moment of your life.

The Sowers Creed
Today I sow for a Great Awakening.
Today, I stake everything on the promise of the Word of God. I depend entirely on the power of the Holy Spirit. I have the same mind in me that was in Christ Jesus. Because Jesus is good news and Jesus is in me, I am good news.
Today, I will sow the extravagance of the Gospel everywhere I go and into everyone I meet.
Today I will love others as Jesus has loved me.
Today I will remember that the tiniest seeds become the tallest trees; that the seeds sown today become the shade of tomorrow; that the faith of right now becomes the future of the everlasting Kingdom.
Today I sow for a Great Awakening.
-J.D. Walt

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