Tuesday, September 1, 2015

lattes & planning

The big points of the day can be summed up as follows:

(1) The Gospel Project curriculum arrived in the late afternoon -- securing my plans for Wednesday as "curriculum planning."

(2) Olympic theme music played for hours as I worked to inspire myself while writing plans for VBS 2016. Something sort of themed maybe "Ready, set, go!" -or- "More than gold" -or- something else Olympic/athletic sounding.

(3) This Sunday I will be going to a local assisted living to help with a devotional type service. I'm giving a 25 minute devotional and playing piano. It's called "Moments of Devotion," and it's headed up by a lovely elderly man from our congregation named Loyal. Hopefully I'll be helping there more often than not coming up.

(4) My afternoon brain break was to try to make an at home latte. Lattes (just in case you aren't familiar) are a shot of espresso, steamed milk, about 8-10 oz, and can have foam on top (or not). Espresso is made by forcing steam through grounds, which I can't do at home since I don't have an espresso machine, but a close second is making as strong of coffee as possible in place of espresso. Which I did by making french pressed coffee. Which is its own thing... Anyhow, I do have a milk foamer. So I heated some unsweetened almond milk, foamed it a bit, and made a couple lattes for us. I'm hoping to get better at it, but honestly it was pretty good for my first try without the proper equipment.
Off to bed now. My sleep is a bit messed up from the migraine, but hoping I can kick it back into a routine again.

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