Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Lyme free

This day can only be described as containing the grandaddy whopper of all migraines. The kind where I have to sit with my head crooked to the side or I throw up a little. Not pleasant at all. But after more than 24 hours, it has finally calmed down and eased off giving me some relief. So as it is now nearly midnight, I am ready for work... ha. (But that is kind of how I feel. My brain is telling me to make up for all that I missed during the day that I was lights out.)

There are a lot of things that I really want to do with my life. I haven't really written them down all bucket list style (not sure I subscribe to that), but I have goals of things that would be really lovely to achieve. Simple things, even. Declutter my movie collection for one. Make a quilt. Develop all the photos I took for Photo I in college. I'm not sure why all of these things come flooding to mind once I hit migraine postdrome, but they have.

Today I also learned that I do not have Lyme disease. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it. You would think that I would just feel relieved not to have it, but it kind of feels defeating. Because in a way it might have been simpler to have Lyme disease. But that is not what happened, so I can't dwell on that. I just get to keep living this life that is mine, lyme free.

Backtracking just a bit, on Friday after Kelsey was done with soccer a few people came over and watched When a Stranger Calls and had homemade pizza with us. I was having a really high pain day with my hands so Kels did a lot of the physical labor in making the pizza. We had Jeff, Andrea, Nate, and Katie (I think that was her name, but it was my first time meeting her). We didn't end up starting the movie until maybe 10, and it is kind of a jump-scare type movie. Not really scary to me, but it can be startling. Kels scares easily, so we were pretty amused watching her scream. The girls both ended up leaving early. Andrea was nervous and Katie was tired, but the guys stayed pretty late even after the movie ended, and we had a big discussion about personality type. I'm starting to really feel like I have a friend group. Which is so nice. It was fun to have people who I have inside jokes with and can laugh easily around.

On Saturday, Kels convinced me to go with her to a barbecue which became a hangout because of rain at a girl named Amy's house. We met a lot of other people there, and I knew a couple of them already which was nice. We played a few games like charades-type, catchphrase, etc. and then they wanted to go play ultimate frisbee so I went out to watch them. It started raining, and Amy and I went back inside. She also has chronic illness/fibromyalgia issues so we talked shop over mint tea. She had some good gluten free food advice for me, and I advised her about my excellent body pillow. Once everyone else came back in and dried off, they played another game, but my brain fog was rolling in real heavy so I just watched. It can be really exhausting to be around people and even more exhausting to be in a new place with new people so first impressions are just nearly impossible for me, but Amy added me on facebook and sent me a nice message yesterday, so I feel like I made another friend. Oh! And! Kelsey and I got invited to go with a group to Amy's family's cottage on Lake Louise at the end of September. So that's pretty exciting. I'm praying I feel well enough for that because... yes... friends!

PS: Victory. Bennet made it THE WHOLE WAY through Sunday school.

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