Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Today I feel very accomplished. One meeting down for church leadership, three children's events put on the calendar, only one room left to clean in the house and a little bit of vacuuming, worship team practice, Dexter's nails cut, and a little energy to spare. I got my prescriptions ready to be filled tomorrow, and everything is ready to be taken to the second-hand store for donation.
Tonight I also talked to Oliver for awhile. Last week I called him and left a message apologizing for some unkind things I had said about him to our mutual friends and my resentful feelings toward him over the past few years. I wanted him to know that I am not angry, and I was wrong to treat him the way I did, no matter what perceived wrong he had done to me. He had texted me back that night and asked if it was okay if he called me this week so we could talk, and I agreed. I wasn't quite sure what this conversation would be like, but as soon as we got on the phone, he thanked me for leaving the message and apologizing, but said that he immediately wanted to call me back to say that he knew that a lot of my feelings were warranted because he knew he had behaved like a jerk. And then he, too, apologized. Which was like wow. Who would have thought that we would end up at the point where we would both be able to say, "I was wrong," and truly mean it? It meant a lot to me. But that conversation out of the way, we caught up on life, and it was just nice. I've always hoped that I would be able some day to look back on the last couple years of college and remember more of the good parts than the bad, and I think today's conversation was a huge step in that direction.
Well now I'm off to bed. It's a nostalgic sort of grey day that I always try to keep busy on. I think I succeeded in that today. Always...

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