Thursday, October 15, 2015

photos photos photos

Prepare for a photo heavy post! I always love spending time at Dad and Mom's house; it is refreshing, and I so appreciate my family. Realized I haven't posted the photos from my time spent up north so here we go!
 Boardwalk at Wolf Creek Trail with Courtney
 Court did my makeup :)

 Precious sister :)
 If this isn't autumn glory, I don't know what is!

 Grandma and I had a good afternoon looking through All Recipes & Food Network magazines for recipes to include in my new recipe binder. She thought I should try to make Bacon Brownies ha.
 Ready for Melissa's baby shower!

Saying goodbye at the end of my time is always really hard. It takes me hours, and I am never ready. I think that is a beautiful thing about home. I can never get enough of it. I would never want to lose that feeling. I am thankful for a home full of people I love so much that I always want more time there. Going home always reignites a determination within my core to be my best self... constantly pursuing more full relationships and peace/joy-filled interactions and attitudes.
I love where I come from, and I love where I am, and I love where I am going.

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