Friday, October 2, 2015

when oblivion calls

Blogtrack: Oblivion by Bastille
I'm sitting in a cozy clean house with only one load of laundry left to do tomorrow before I declare my decluttering officially finished for this round! Feeling quite accomplished tonight. My favourite fall candle (Autumn Hayride) is lit, but I actually earlier carried incense through the house like Grandma used to do. I found some that had such a strong scent memory for me that I had to try it out. Such a pleasant scent that is lingering. So I'm sitting by candle light and by white Christmas lights listening to some quiet music and the dishwasher running. It was quite brisk today, but Kelsey tells me that it is supposed to be warm next week again. Oh, Michigan.
This weekend I have the house to myself as Kelsey is at a coaching clinic. I'm not quite sure what I will do with my time. I'm hoping to update the bulletin boards in the kids area at church tomorrow, but I pretty much don't have anything else planned. Maybe I'll make some rolls or a coffee cake or something. One thing I'm going to do tomorrow is not watch any "screens." No TV, Youtube, etc. I will listen to music and use my computer, but not to watch videos. Just want to take a bit of a tech break. I need to figure out what we are doing for a dinner that we are hosting in a couple of weeks so maybe I'll plan that. Who knows? But right now, I'm off to bed.

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