Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas begins now

On Friday night, we had the Advent Labyrinth at church. Leading up to the fact, I think I had a flu bug. I was feeling awful, and I wasn't sure if I would even make it through setup. But I did. And the event. Although setup was awful, my brain was working about as well as the scarecrow's, and I felt like I had eaten bad eggs... the Labyrinth was beautiful. It was exactly everything I had hoped and prayed it would be when I envisioned it months ago. The soft candlelight, the carols played on violin and piano... A hush falling over the crowd of around thirty people of varied ages all mesmerized by the glow. So peaceful. For a taste... Just put on this music and look at these photos.
^Enjoying a cup of coffee Saturday morning after a successful event the night before

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