Thursday, December 31, 2015

Two thousand fifteen: year in review

It is my usual custom on this day to take an inventory of the past year by month. I've become increasingly bad at remembering things, and this year, I don't have the advantage of having my journal close by or my ipod for remembering playlists. But I shall try to fill in with some thoughts about 2015 which was a very interesting year in some ways and completely unremarkable in others. Isn't that always how it goes?

The word of the year seemed to be JOY. I didn't mean for that to be the theme that came back over and over, but I found myself seeking after joy more often than not. Joy didn't mean happy, exactly. It was a big, growing, stretching year. 2015 was one of the most 'alone' years I've ever had, but it was not lonely. I've never been the person who looked on the bright side, and I don't think that was the lesson that I was learning this year. But I definitely learned something about self worth, selfishness, attitude, that there is a time to let go and a time to dig in for the long haul, and setting your mind on things that are good and holy... looking for the absolute truth when you are preoccupied with how you feel.

It has set me up to be excited for the next year that as my health improves, I can be looking for opportunities to engage in relationships. I'm excited to see how God moves. My desire is to make more and more moments available, open, and welcoming for others to engage with me. And for the Holy Spirit to minister and work. If I could pre-pick a word for the year, I think I would choose KINDNESS. I want to bring kindness and gentleness into my speech, actions, etc. in a way like I never have before.

And now. Some highlights from 2015 via one of my favourite mediums: photo.

My most played according to iTunes...
10 - Sunshine by Tom Misch
9 - Geronimo by Sheppard
8 - Wake Your Soul by The Hope Arsenal
7 - Paris by Fickle Friends
6 - Elastic Heart by Sia
5 - Modern Love by Coasts
4 - I Shall Not Want by Audrey Assad
3 - Ohio (Filous Remix) by Damien Jurado
2 - Coming Over (Filous Remix) by James Hersey
1 - Vivaldi's The Four Seasons (Spring) 2. Largo recorded by Simon Standage & Trevor Pinnock

Also loved...
Justin Bieber's album Purpose, One Direction's album Made in the A.M., Keaton Henson's album Dear, The Staves, and all manner of music that has been deemed "sassy elevator jazzy coffee time" music.

Well. That's all I can think of.
Hello, 2016.

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