Friday, August 14, 2015

Summer girl

Today called for a bit of a break. This morning I did some admin type stuff for KidCentral, and planned out my lesson. When Kels got up we did brunch (egg white vegetable omelet and hash browns for me), stopped by the thrift store where I found a wooden cupcake stand, and then we did a soda can return. Watched Mulan this afternoon, and now Kels is gone to soccer. When she's back, we'll have supper of sorts. I still have to figure out what version of a taco I can eat.

I'm not sure why I feel what I feel, but sometimes it feels like the walls are closing a bit around me. I have a few things looming over my head. Which aren't even big things, but they feel big. How is it that small things get to be so insurmountable? Is this why the Scriptures list such basic things when telling us not to worry? .... Are we wired so that even the most secure thing has the potential to make us worry? Maybe other people don't feel this way, and it's not such a normal part of being responsible, but for me, there's always a running list of things in my head that need to be taken care of. I can't shut that off... I can suppress it for awhile, but it's always lingering in the back of my mind. And when I do try to suppress it, it makes all the points of the list seem like much bigger deals. Not sure that makes sense. But it's nice to put it out. I hold in my feelings a lot. Maybe too much. So it's probably good that I just get them out somehow.

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