Thursday, August 27, 2015

old joy

I've been staring at a blank screen for ten minutes. Not sure what exactly I want to write, but I do want to write. It was a long week last week. The internet at Dad and Mom's house frustrates me which made me want to do almost nothing on the internet besides what I needed to for my job. Besides that I was pretty much exhausted by 9:30 every night and ready for bed soon after. HISability is extremely rewarding and definitely my favourite week of the year, but it is so tiring in a normal case... and quadruply so in the year when I am diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. While I was at camp, the doctor called me to check in on my wheat elimination diet and general health and to tell me that I have an initial positive for Lyme disease. There is more testing that has to be done, and this doesn't mean I definitely have it, but it is a maybe. I don't know if that is a better or worse thing in my mind now. But whatever it is, it is a possibility as much as it was before. So it is okay.

Thought I would upload some pictures from when I was home and Courtney and I went on a rainy Sunday afternoon adventure...

Today saw me ordering the new curriculum for next quarter for KidCentral. We are going to try The Gospel Project and see if that works out to having more substance than the Group one we were using. I also was working on choosing an Advent theme and looking into a VBS for 2016. Trying to get ahead in planning. I'll probably work through tomorrow, too, since I took a break early on in the week. This evening, Kelsey and I met our friend Marisol at a laundromat to wash all her family's clothes, bedding, towels, etc. so that their house will be absolutely clean for her sister who will hopefully be coming home from the hospital soon. They are having the house professionally cleaned; we did at least 16 loads of laundry in about four hours. Wasn't too bad, and I was glad that we could help them out in some way.

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