Saturday, August 15, 2015

I shall not want

This morning I woke up much happier than how I felt when I went to bed. I've decided wheat elimination is hard on the soul. Emotions run high when you don't get your usual gluten.

I tried a gluten free bar for breakfast which was good, but the star of the morning was my coffee. I think I will always love coffee more than nearly every other food type. Except potatoes. Because... obvi.

Kelsey and I received the strangest envelopes in the mail today.
Fairly certain they are from Drew, and this furthers our Pug Pranks. Not sure yet as to how we will retaliate.

We spent our afternoon out on the town. Kels wanted to price compare FitBits and get some shorts, and I kind of tagged along. I ended up finding another white vase (I'm collecting), and it was 90 cents so that's pretty good!

Kels made us steak for supper, and we watched Aladdin. I don't know if I said that we watched Mulan yesterday, but I have been in the mood to watch Disney movies over... the ones that I don't really remember anyway. Mulan was better than I remember, but I didn't like Aladdin as much as I remembered.

Now we're packing for our trips, and I'm procrastinating about it because that's what I do when I have to do a big pack. So instead, I'm listening to The Cure and Bryan Adams and other classics because I can.

Hoping for a wonderful week at camp. Praying that it is all prepared and I don't have massive amounts of prep waiting for me tomorrow. I don't know why, but I am feeling so nervous about the future; money, circumstance, etc. I KNOW who holds my future. But I'm praying for more solid faith in the face of anxiety that I cannot seem to settle. Listening to this song on repeat as I do so:

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