Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Okay, so long time no blog. I can't even try to summarize all the things that have happened since I last updated. Well, I could, but I think it would end up quite boring, and I would certainly be bored writing it.

Physically I am feeling better, generally. My new doctor has put fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue on my record as working diagnoses. I am massively Vitamin D deficient and so am taking 3000 IU a day plus another 50,000 IU weekly. I wasn't sure how VBS would effect me, but it's been a bit of a headache and a couple days laying low. I'm really hoping that tomorrow is back to usual speed. Last week, we played a little bit of volleyball just hitting it around, and I messed up my thumb somehow. That seems to be mostly healed apart from a bruise and hurting a little, but now not much more than is "normal" for my hands to hurt.

VBS went really well. A few kinks here and there, but those were even just tiny things... mostly slight miscommunication. The big things to come out of VBS that I will be working on are creating a better relationship with the International churches and figuring out our social media policy. I have a lot of fresh ideas for the coming year, as well, and I hope to have a basic 2016 calendar put together by the end of the week. Much excite.

This evening, if I am feeling well enough, I'm going to spend some time redecorating in the children's area. I have a lot of carnival type decor that is ready to go up, but I haven't felt up to it before now. If I run out of energy, I'll be working on writing an entry for a 30 day devotional for chronically ill people that my friend Beret is working to put together.

Either way, it's now time for another cup of coffee, some more good music, and I'm going to do a "brain dump." Put all of my big ideas on a paper so that I can remember them when I get the time to really invest in making them reality. Here's to hoping that I can pick up the blogging again!

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