Thursday, July 16, 2015

Allow restfulness

This is being posted from my phone so sorry if it turns out a little wonky. It was one of those days that turns out so full that I don't even want to take the energy to blog as I crash into bed, but I'm trying to keep to routines this week so here I am...blogging...while also in bed keeping the bedtime routine.
I was hoping to get up at 8 this morning with the eventual goal of consistently waking up around 7, but didn't fall asleep as fast as I had hoped. And thus was up, dressed, and moving by 9:30. I actually made myself a breakfast smoothie from frozen strawberries, power greens (mizuna, kale, chard, spinach) & passion fruit juice, all organic. It looked very unappetizing, but tasted so fresh and nice. Hopefully I can keep a breakfast trend going.
I took a bit of a break from VBS this morning to just be restful. Keeping my body and mind constantly worked up isn't awesome, so I took time out to let my body down from working so much yesterday. I hit it again in the afternoon, assembling a list of supplies that need to be found and from where. Tomorrow we will do our online purchasing.
When Kels got home, we went to the park to try to play tennis. I made it through one game, but I think there em be massive repercussions tomorrow. Basically I'm only planning on doing purchasing and general Sunday school stuff. And showering. Wish that wasn't so hard for me to do.
We met Andrea at the Lehmans' house for our violin lesson because that's where Kels's violin was. It went alright, but it does hurt a little in my hands to do and my hands are small for it so I will have to practice a lot. But it was fun, and I hope we can get slightly decent at it. Andrea is happy to have us as guinea pig students because in the fall she is going to start teaching a group class to elementary students and she's never taught before. I feel successful tonight because it was not the worst violin playing I've heard. :)

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