Friday, July 24, 2015

Love like a tidal wave

You know what, today did not go as planned, but it wasn't the worst thing that it happened that way. Kelsey and I were late to set up for Olivia's wedding, but we made it in okay time. It was pretty labor intensive, but I just love doing that sort of stuff. If I could, I would love to work in events coordinating at some point of my life. But maybe then I wouldn't love it so much... Who knows. But anyhow, I was having a grand time moving tables and figuring out room configuration etc. It's just a very good headspace for me. Not so much for my body. I lasted from 11 something until about 3:30, and then I was done. The plan was to stay the whole day, go to rehearsal dinner, and then drive home. But plans are changed. So this way, hopefully, I'll be good to go for the wedding tomorrow. When I got home, I wrapped Kelsey's present for her, but mostly, I just chilled. Played a little piano, rested on the sofa, had some supper; a quiet night with Dexter. So anyhow, I'm off to bed now. Here's some photos of the presents I wrapped for Ross & Olivia.

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