Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sunday school groove

Today was all about that Sunday school. At this point I have completed, 1 set of logos, 1 promo video, and 2 months of general lesson planning. Tomorrow I will spend a day on VBS, and then back to Sunday school I will go.

Last night I completed my first workout with Jillian. Today I am so very sore, so I shall have to take a rest day to let my body adjust a bit to working out so big.

Dexter and I started off our day with a teensy cuddle, and then we got down to business. I made coffee. A new kind... Panera Columbian roast, I think. 

And we settled into the living room with a candle on to work. At some point in the afternoon, I took a break, and Kelsey and I moved my things into our shared office. Nice to have everything out of the home office and organized. After supper, we took Dexter on a walk and got Kelsey some ice cream. It was kind of one of the crazier walks we have taken around town involving a loud motorcycle, ducks, some elderly people on bikes, and a bro that Dex wanted to be friends with. Then, realizing the light was fading, we rushed home so we could film the last little bit of footage I needed for a promo video that resulted in me looking like this:

A nice day, full of nice things and good productivity. My kind of happy.

[Sunset on the Grand River]

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