Thursday, June 25, 2015

People make me happy

Morning 2/7 was also not a success. Which means the next five have to work otherwise I will have failed the challenge I set. So I try again.
This morning I woke up with the worst sort of migraine. I can't remember when I have had such a bad one recently. It was the kind where any equilibrium change is awful. I had to keep myself standing or sitting straight up to feel the best possible. It ebbed and flowed all day long. 2 rounds of medicine and a peppermint treatment later, and it was still raging full force. I pause now to remember literally yesterday I was thinking how it had been quite awhile since I had had such a bad one that I didn't feel like such a professional chronic migraineur anymore.. No longer true. I am still the migraineur I have been for years. Kels was awesome about helping me, feeding me, reminding me of treatment options, etc. I felt especially bad because tonight she was supposed to have friends from her Bible study over for a fire and smores, and I was suddenly unable to help with any of the preparations for that. I totally didn't even want to participate or be nice to people or anything. But Kels asked me to carry something outside, and then I was like.. well, Brit, just try to sit out there with them for a bit. And I did, my migraine completely lifted, and I was just peachy happy. You know the happy happy that I get from my migraine meds? Yeah. I was like Kels.. if I'm being embarrassing let me know. But I guess I wasn't. I had a great time. It was nice to feel like I have a friend group even though I know they are Kelsey's friends. I like groups of people. I had forgotten.

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