Tuesday, June 16, 2015

dat hustle doe

Today was better than yesterday. And hopefully life will continue on this upward trend.

I planned Water Night and figured out our schedule or events. So that felt productive. And I did it all without even one cup of coffee and no pain meds.

Kels and I have decided that we are not going to go to Toronto/Niagara Falls on Thursday, but instead we are having a Wolfpack Staycation. (Wolfpack is what we call the three of us: Kels, B, and Dex.) We're going to be tourists in our own town, have some chill time to marathon some Vampire Diaries. I'm hoping to take some photos, drink some good coffee, and relax.

Tonight Kels had volleyball, and now  she is back, and we are watching the Bachelorette from last night. It's high drama as always. I'm thinking that ice cream is going to be in order soon.

Yes. Ice cream is definitely in order.

Inspiration of the day:
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful.

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