Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer is for fun

What a day. Today the supreme court ruled that states cannot deny same-sex couples the right to marry. It has been a whirlwind of Facebook statuses, twitter updates, instagram posts, and news broadcasts. My response to the ruling was I suppose rather veiled. I posted parts that stuck out to me from the blog post issued by the bishops of Free Methodist Church USA. You can read their post here because I did appreciate hearing the official stance of the denomination: FMCUSA post
There was a lot tucked into the post that I thought was really applicable to any person at any time.. not just this specific issue. Any who.

I didn't make it up at 8, but I did make it up in relatively good time considering that my sleep schedule is so whack. It's not a schedule at all... I just stay awake and awake. But. I think I got some good sleep, stretched when I woke, and got to work making sure all the details were set for Water Night. Kels was supposed to be back at 11:30ish, and we were going to get waffles, but that didn't happen. So for lunch I had a hot dog and some power greens (kale, spinach, mizuna, chard) with blue cheese dressing.

Kels and I ran to Biggby for our BOGO coffee, and then set up for the event. It was a little bit chilly, and I was worried because it was a tinge windy, but it settled down as the event started. Right at start time there was no one there. I said a little prayer... "God. We have this all set up. Send me a couple kiddos." AND I GOT SEVEN. I knew one of them. Six new friends for KidCentral!! They had a blast playing water balloon toss, water relay, water dodge ball, wet obstacle course, eating popsicles, and doing slip and slide human bowling. They learned a few facts about water quality and hunger and came up with ideas about how they can help kids who are hungry and thirsty. They were pretty stunned to learn that every 20 seconds a child dies because they don't have good water to drink.... Statistically about 5,000 children die each day from poor water, and 250 die from hunger or poverty. The kids were right on it. They were shocked that the return change from recycling a soda pop can feeds someone a meal. I hope it made an impact. I know they had fun. And they got me soaked! Happy child voices screamed "Get Miss Britany!!" And they did. And Kelsey.
My "fibromyalgia" body is feeling it. I did a lot of running, throwing, playing, laughing, moving, etc. I can literally feel how much fun we all had together. I'm happy now to try to put my insomniac self to bed, and hopefully surface well tomorrow!!

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