Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The one where I don't sleep

Today was all about VBS. Well. First it was about not sleeping. And then it was about VBS. I didn't sleep until maybe 5:30 or 6 this morning. I ate cereal. I watched Chuck. I tossed. I turned. But eventually I did fall asleep.

Once I got up around noon, it was all aches, pains, and grogginess. I muddled through working out a general plan of VBS. But this day has definitely not been as productive as I would have liked. Or as happy. This is one of those days where I work really hard to choose to be joyful.

Well, when I finish this blog post, I'm going to go make cream cheese apple dip. Kelsey is out working with the garden group to finish planting, I guess, and I want to have it made before she gets back. My brain is just zonked out on kidmin stuff. So I'll probably only work on designing a couple more logos before I cal it quits today. Have to try to put in a good 6 hours today, at least. Sorry this was maybe the least exciting blog post, ha.

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