Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Little things

Blogtrack: It is Well (Live) - Bethel Music
I've been very introspective recently. I haven't put out a lot of creativity or anything. Mainly the thing rolling around in my head is a bunch of questions. Summarized as... what little things can you do that will change your life in a big way?
I am a disordered eater. I am scattered in exercise. My routines are a shambles. At this point, I'm not sure where to start to get any of it back. And how do I get back to being in routine without feeling boring..boxed in... etc. The reason to do the routines is to feel better and more joyful. So. Where do I start to be able to do this. It's far too overwhelming to try to do everything at once. So I think we're going to tackles things piece by piece. The first thing I would like to try to change is my morning routine. So. This is the goal.

Out of the next 7 days, I am aiming for at least 5 successful mornings. This will be the routine I try for:
 -Wake up at 8 a.m.
-Fibro-friendly yoga

I'm hoping that this is small enough of a change that I can start being consistent in one facet of my day. And perhaps that will lead to another. And so on and so forth.

I feel unproductive often. I feel like a useless person. Many times I feel overwhelmed at simple tasks. Asking for help is a double edged sword... it's so hard to ask for help, and I want to save my "helped tasks" for things that really matter and are big things. I hate seeing my house dirty. Taking two days to do a load of laundry. Not being showered all the time. I hate feeling out of sorts.

I just want to feel like my life is manageable. That I have any sort of handle on any bit of it. I need an outlet. So. We will try for a morning routine. I love the morning. I love being up, having my morning coffee, and feeling like I have a good start to the day. Let's see if I can do this.

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