Thursday, June 11, 2015

There'll be days like this

Not a lot of sleep last night. I was working on something until maybe 1 and not feeling tired at all, but even after I finished and went upstairs sleep didn't happen for hours. And it was very interrupted when it did. My body just doesn't rest well, I guess. Probably needless to say, lack of sleep made for a particularly painful day. After Kels was home and we ran out for cheese and chips, I had a bit of a nasty stomach/gross feels attack. I ended up falling asleep on the couch while she cooked supper. When I woke up, my stomach felt better, but my arms and legs were so, so sore. I guess from the couch nap? I persevered, though, and even did alright in a dance off game. When we ended my feet and ankles were severely cramping. So I think we stopped just in time. I'm exhausted. Just being alive and being me can be so exhausting.

Sometimes I find random photos in my phone of things I wanted to remember at some point. Here's what I found today...

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