Saturday, June 6, 2015

Cutest dog ever

Well this morning I thought I was going to IKEA, but it turns out that trip is next week so that didn't happen. I don't really remember what I did all day... it must have been really important ;)
But in the afternoon, I gave Dexter a haircut and a bath. He got so fluffy and cute!

After he was all cute, I gave myself a haircut and took a shower. We got some mulch and some groceries from Meijer, and then had supper. Then we went to the church and decorated a bit in the children's area. Somehow the alarm started alarming early so we didn't get it all done, so I have to go early and do that in the morning.

The most exciting thing that happened today was probably getting my insurance card in the mail. As well as my package from Urban Outfitters which had my new headphones and a book called Daily Dishonesty about little lies that everyone tells themselves like "I will put on pants today." I don't know that everyone actually says these lies, but they are really cute little drawings. I think we'll keep it in the bathroom. Anyways, better sleep now so I can go to work early....

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