Sunday, June 14, 2015

Two for one

Two day blog in one, whoop whoop.
I can't really remember much of Saturday morning. I think I made sure of some things planning wise?  and opened a closet for Dan at the church. Since we are recovering from the flood, we are trying to open everything and dry it all out. The closet wasn't touched, thank goodness, and I was so happy that the vast majority of art supplies were safe.
In the afternoon, we prepped things for Olivia's bachelorette party. Washed my hair with a new shampoo that I'm trying out that is CHI Keratin or something like that. I think it was really nice. I used it with a hair mask, heat protectant, and detangler and my hair dried really well under round brush/hair dryer. By five, we were headed for Grand Rapids. The party was nice. We had some fancy snacks, played a couple games, did presents, and then walked downtown to a bar that I think was called Stella's. There was a dj and dancing. A lot of loud and sweaty people... not really my cup of tea. We got back pretty late, but I fell to sleep quickly for once.

I felt like I was rushing around this morning, but I really wasn't. It was odd having KidCentral not in the physical KidCentral... We met in the library, and it was very different. I enjoyed connecting with the kids in a different way, but I'm hoping we don't have to do it that way many more times. This has really put on hold a lot of the things I was going to be doing on my To Do list in the area. But anyhow, we had a good, albeit tiring, morning with a combination of eight different kids in the two hours.
Once I got home, I woke Kelsey up gently by putting on some coffee, and I did the dishes while she woke up. Then I made us some brunch and kind of fancied up our table just because. I like having a nice table brunch every once in awhile. :)
Kels was gone the rest of the afternoon, and now she's playing volleyball. I'm sort of lazing about with Dexter trying to lay low, but not so low that I fall asleep. Figuring out what food I might want over my birthday.
I also put live a video that I made about choosing joy amidst suffering. I made it a couple of days ago, but I've been a little timid about putting it up. Today I just thought, you know.. you made it for a reason. So here it is...

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