Monday, June 29, 2015

Your praise will ever be on my lips

Blogtrack: You Don't Miss A Thing by Amanda Cook // Ever Be by Kalley Heiligenthal

The past two days have been difficult. I made it through church yesterday really well. We only had two kiddos for Sunday school, and five kiddos for children's church. (One was a kid who had come to Water Night!!) This is probably what our July is going to look like. I have the big decision tomorrow of changing our curriculum or keeping with what we are doing. I asked for our teachers to weigh in, but they have kind of just been hemming and hawing about it. So because they aren't saying one way or another that kind of makes me want to lock it in for another 3 months... We would be in this curriculum through November then... I'm going to ask Pastor Steve what he thinks. I'm comfortable with that, but that would mean 6 more months of this, and if the teachers truly don't like it and are just not saying that, I don't want to stick them with 6 months of disliked curriculum...

Anyhow, I have had such a migraine since yesterday afternoon. I thought it was letting up this morning, but I just felt better for a little bit, and it came back full force. It was the kind that has me dizzy, nauseous, and convinced that I'm going to hurl every few seconds. It was just a really long day. I am feeling better now. And I have taken the opportunity to enjoy a few chronic illness themed someecards...

It wasn't the worst day that could have been churned out. It just wasn't the day that I was hoping it would be. But here is hoping that tomorrow is the day I would like to have happen. :)

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